Wednesday 24 April 2013

Fodmap Friendly Lasagna

It's been a crazy week with assignments and work, and I haven't had much time to do any blogging. With ANZAC day tomorrow I took the time to cook up a delicious FODMAP Friendly Lasagna. This recipe wasn't difficult so don't let the amount of ingredients scare you! I found adding the extra herbs and spices helped to lift the flavour!  

FODMAP Friendly Lasagne Recipe


Serves 4

For the lasagna:

500 g beef mince 
800g or 2 tins crushed tomatoes 
garlic infused oil
1/8 tbsp oregano 
1/4 cup freshly chopped spring onion (green part only)
pinch of paprika 
pinch of chilli 
1/8 tsp thyme 
1/8 tsp italian herb mix
1/8 tsp rosemary 
salt and pepper to taste 
1 large carrot, grated
1 small capsicum, finely diced
1 loosely packed cup of spinach leaves 
1 cup mozzarella cheese
gluten free lasagna sheets 

For the Sauce: 

2 tsp butter
1 cup mozzarella
1/4 cup parmesan 
1 cup of milk (use lactose free if lactose intolerant) 
1/2 cup gluten free flour 


1. Heat oil in a medium pan, and cook beef until brown. Once brown turn the stove to low heat, add the carrot, capsicum, spring onion and diced tomatoes. Add the paprika, chilli, thyme, italian herbs, oregano, salt and pepper**. Cook for an additional 10 minutes on low. 

2. Grease a tray, and line with lasagna sheets. Layer each level with lasagna sheets, the beef mixture and a thin layer of mozzarella cheese. Continue until you use all the beef mixture. 

3. To make the cheese sauce, mix butter, flour and milk in a saucepan on low heat. Add the mozzarella and parmesan to the mixture. Stir for two minutes until all the ingredients are mixed together. Pour onto the top layer of the lasagna and spread evenly. Add extra cheese to the top if you like. Add a sprinkle of oregano and pepper to the top of your lasagna. 

3. Cook for 30-40min on 180 degrees Celsius. 

**Please note: the amount of herbs I put in may vary. Be careful not to overdo the chilli or paprika. Each time I make this recipe I sprinkle a little of each herb and season to taste, adding more of one herb or spice if I feel that it needs it. 


  1. Sounds great. What are the spinach leaves for? Garnish? thanks

    1. Sorry I should edit the recipe - it is part of step one. Just before adding the herbs cut up the spinach leaves and mix them into the beef mixture. Adds more flavour + spinach is packed full of vitamins and iron!

  2. Made this last night but diced the carrot and added zucchini instead of capsicum. I also used fresh gluten free sheets. I had a girlfriend over and she didn't even know it was lactose and gluten free! winning! Thank you so much for sharing, this recipe has gone into my favorites collection. It's so nice to know i can still eat a yummy lasagna with my sensitive tummy! :)
